In this code I am solving the mastermind problem. You have to guess a k-length permutation of n colours.
You are given feedback in the form of correct positions and colours (x, black), and just correct colours (o, white).
We simplify this game a bit, usually it’s 4 out of 6 but in the code we do 3 out of 4. Colours are not repeated.
With 3 out of 4 we have 24 possible options.
The solution strategy is
that has all possible solutions which return the same feedback (eg xoo)
# guess 3 out of 4 possible
# true: 123, pred: 13, eval -> xo, x is colour and position correct, o colour correct
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations
def gen_seq(n=4, k=3):
seq = list(np.random.choice(n, k, replace=False))
return ''.join(map(str, seq))
def select_from_set(s):
return np.random.choice(list(s), 1)[0]
def feedback(y, pred):
# check pred has unique, x=pos and colour, o=colour
assert len(pred) == len(set(pred))
assert len(y) == len(pred)
x = sum([y[i] == pred[i] for i in range(len(y))])
o = sum([pred[i] in y for i in range(len(y))])
o -= x # avoid double count
return 'x' * x + 'o' * o
def all_possible(n=4, k=3):
ran = map(str, range(n))
allp = list(permutations(ran, k))
allp = [''.join(p) for p in allp]
return allp
n, k = 4, 3
# some tests
print(gen_seq(n, k))
print(feedback('123', '321'))
print(feedback('123', '421'))
print(feedback('123', '456'))
# iterate all possible permutations
allp = all_possible(n, k)
step = 0
sol = gen_seq(n, k)
guess = gen_seq(n, k)
score = feedback(sol, guess)
rem_sol = set()
for s in allp:
if feedback(s, guess) == score:
print(step, guess, score, len(rem_sol), rem_sol)
while len(rem_sol) > 1:
rem_sol2 = set()
# guess = gen_seq()
guess = select_from_set(rem_sol)
score = feedback(sol, guess)
for s in allp:
if feedback(s, guess) == score:
rem_sol = rem_sol.intersection(rem_sol2)
step += 1
print(step, guess, score, len(rem_sol), rem_sol)
Example output
['012', '013', '021', '023', '031', '032', '102', '103', '120', '123', '130', '132', '201', '203', '210', '213', '230', '231', '301', '302', '310', '312', '320', '321']
0 120 xo 6 {'310', '023', '103', '230', '321', '132'}
1 321 xo 2 {'310', '023'}
2 023 oo 1 {'310'}
[Finished in 0.2s]